Research and scholarly presentations at the annual NEAS meeting

Researchers, scholars, and students presented twenty papers covering a wide variety of topics during NEAS sessions over three days at the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) annual meeting held in San Antonio, Texas on November 14-16, 2023.
Presenters, Organizations, and Papers
Jerry Boyce, Trinity Southwest University, "Forget Father Abraham – How Old was Mother Sarah? Another Look at Patriarchal Lifespans"
David E. Graves, Faith Bible Institute, "Eight Years of Excavations at Tall el-Hammam of a Monumental Roman/Byzantine/Islamic Bath Complex"
Greg Gulbrandsen, Associates for Biblical Research, "Conservation, Restoration, or Destruction?"
Mark A. Hassler, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, "Pottery in the Bible: Its Typology, Manufacturing, and Use in Imagery"
Ralph K. Hawkins, Averett University, "Israelite Temples and the 'Altar Law' of Deuteronomy 12:5"
Joshua Hunter, Welch Divinity School, "The Egyptian Cult of Isis in Ancient Corinth and I Corinthians"
Brian Janeway, University of Toronto, "The Kingdom of Palastin: Sea Peoples of the North?" (video available below)
Abigail Leavitt, Ariel University, "The Late Date vs. The Early Date at the Mount Ebal Altar" (video available below)
K. Lynn Lewis, The Bible Seminary, "How Many Hebrews is 603,550?"
Brian Maggard, Veritas International University, "Semi-precious Stones from Archaeological Excavations: Carnelian as a Case Study"
Douglas Petrovich, Brookes Bible College, "The Hebrew Inscription of the 15th Century BC on the Lachish Ivory Comb"
Chet Roden, Liberty University, "G. E. Wright’s God Who Acts: Where Theology, Anthropology, and Archaeology Meet"
Steve Rudd, Shiloh Excavations, "Tower of Babel: Archaeology and Dating"
Phillip Silvia, Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, "When God Moves Heaven and Earth"
Robert W. Smith, Mid-Atlantic Christian University, "Human Experience in the Pilgrimage Complex of Abila: Contributions of the 2023 Field Season"
Frankie Snyder, Independent Scholar, "Reconstructing an Opus Sectile Wall Panel from the Byzantine Church at Jerusalem’s Siloam Pool"
Scott Stripling, The Bible Seminary, "Fifth Excavation Season at Shiloh" (video available below)
Gary D. Urie, Veritas International University, "Three Non-Hyksos Scarabs from Tel Shiloh: Chronology, Typology, and Iconography"
Clayton Van Huss, The Bible Seminary, "You Carried the Star of Your Gods: Pagan Cultic Material Culture in the Worship of YHWH"
Sample presentations available