Research and scholarly presentations at the annual NEAS meeting
Click here to read "A Review of the NEAS 2022 Annual Meeting," Don McNeely, ABR, 12/14/2022.
Researchers, scholars, and students presented twenty papers covering a wide variety of topics during NEAS sessions over three days at the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) annual meeting held in Denver, Colorado November 15-17, 2022.
Presenters, Organizations, and Papers
Clyde Billington, Artifax, "The Egyptian Governance of Canaan from Thutmosis III to Ramses II"
Walt Harper, Central Christian College of the Bible, Excavations in the Jewish Village of Shikhin in Lower-Galilee"
Mark A. Hassler, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, "Giantism and the Colossal Cedar of Lebanon (Ezekiel 31)"
Ralph K. Hawkins, Averett University, "The Newly Discovered Four-Room House at Khirbet 'Auja el-Foqa"
Joshua Hunter, Welch Divinity School, "Disclosing the Divine Name: Analyzing Exodus 3 in Light of the Ancient Near Eastern Secret Names"
Titus Kennedy, Biola University, "Ritual Desecration at Khirbet Et-Tell?"
Abigail Leavitt, Ariel University, "The Fourth Season at Shiloh"
K. Lynn Lewis, The Bible Seminary, "A Contemporary Failure Analysis of the Walls of Jericho"
Chris McKinny, Gesher Media, "Tel Nagila – A Historical Geographical Assessment"
Doug Petrovich, Brookes Bible College, "A Hebrew Inscription from Joshua's Conquest at Lachish"
Seth M. Rodriquez, Colorado Christian University, Maces and Clubs as Weapons of War in the Iron Age: The Evidence from Reliefs and Artifacts"
Steven Rudd, "Archaeology of Mt. Sinai in Arabia at Mt. Lawz"
Boyd Seevers, University of Northwestern—St. Paul, "Roman militaria at Ancient Shiloh: An Attack by Vespasian in A.D. 69?"
Robert W. Smith, Mid-Atlantic Christian University, "The Investigation of Holy Space in the Abila Pilgrimage Complex during the 2022 Expedition"
Timothy Snow, United World Mission, "Agriculture of Ancient Abila"
Frankie Snyder, Independent Scholar, "The Black Bitumen Table Industry: From King Herod's palaces to Byzantine Churches"
Scott Stripling, The Bible Seminary, "A Seminal Inscription from Joshua’s Altar"
Glen L. Thompson, Wisconsin Lutheran College, "Paul's Departure from Puteoli: How did his party connect with the Via Appia?"
Mark Wilson, Asia Minor Research Center, "Paul's Arrival in Italy: Why Puteoli and not Ostia?"John Wineland, Central Christian College of the Bible, "From Zanesville to Haifa: Gottlieb Schumacher’s contribution to Archaeology in Israel and Jordan"